Poetic Appreciation of the Poem Cherry Tree by Ruskin Bond

Cherry Tree by Ruskin Bond. Class XI English

1. About the Poem, Poet, and Title:

The Renowned writer Ruskin Bond’s poem "Cherry Tree" is a poetic masterpiece. Ruskin Bond is known for his reminiscent descriptions of nature in his stories, novels and poems. He has beautifully captured the essence of a cherry tree with its life cycle in this poem. The title itself is self-explanatory. It hints that the central focus of the poem is on the cherry tree along with the beauty of nature .

2. Theme/Summary/Gist of the Poem:

Even though, the nature of life is very transient, the surrounding nature makes life stronger and fit to survive. The theme of "Cherry Tree" revolves around this transient nature of life and its survival in nature. The poem also depicts the profound beauty found in the cycles of nature. The poem follows the journey of a cherry tree, from its dormant state in winter to its vibrant blossoming in spring. Thus, the poem is the journey of the tree's transformation from a seed to blossoming tree in eight years of course of time through vivid imagery.

3 Poetic Style/Language, Poetic Devices:

Ruskin Bond's poetic style successfully carves the picture of "Cherry Tree" with simplicity and elegance. The effortless use of language paints the journey of cherry tree with vivid pictures.

Various poetic devices are used in the poem.


 “Its arms in a fresh fierce lust” -/f/ sound is repeated.

“Made a miracle from green growing” -/m/ and /g/ sounds are repeated.

“Shrivelled the slender stem….” /s/ sound is repeated.


“It was very small, five months child Lost in the tall grass running wild.” – small and tall these opposite ideas are used in the lines.


 “A Tree had come to stay” -A tree is given the human quality of ‘coming’ and ‘staying.’


Ripened and jeweled in the sun'- the cherry fruit looks like a jewel.

 These literary techniques enhance the reader's experience and evoke a sense of wonder and appreciation for nature.

4 Special Features/Novelties/Focusing Elements:

There are various notable features of "Cherry Tree".

A.      The skillful use of vivid descriptions of the nature that transport the reader to the scene.

B.      The poet has successfully captured the tree's transformation through the seasons.

C.      Poet has painted the strive of the tree for existence. 

D.      Due to the emotions weaved by poet the readers get connected on a deeper level.

5 Message/Value/Morals in the Poem:

The poem highlights the transitory nature of life. The tree could have lost its life any moment. In the same way in our life too, we have many moments where we can lose our life. The way the cherry tree came out safely from every difficult situation we in our life too, need to cherish every moment as our life is momentary. Secondly, poet has urged us to appreciate the beauty and wonder of the natural world, as well as the fleeting joys and experiences that make up our lives. Thirdly, the poet seems to describe growing of a child metaphorically. The way the Cherry Tree stems out of a seed and struggles to grow, the new born baby after its birth struggles to grow in different phases of life. The life of a child is also surrounded by bad elements and difficulties in our life like the tree is surrounded by weed and various difficulties such as scythe.

6 Your Opinion about the Poem:

In my opinion, "Cherry Tree" is a captivating poem that effortlessly combines Ruskin Bond's love for nature with his poetic prowess. The seamless flow of the language and the vivid imagery transport readers into the world of the cherry tree, allowing them to experience its transformation firsthand. The poem's gentle yet profound message resonates deeply, encouraging us to pause and appreciate the beauty around us. Through its simplicity and elegance, "Cherry Tree" showcases the power of poetry to evoke emotions and inspire a deeper connection with nature

©Dr Rahul Laxman Khillare

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