Poetic Appreciation of The Poem Money class 12


Poetic Appreciation of The Poem Money class 12

Title: "Money"

The title "Money"  suggests a lament or reflection on the nature and impact of money on the poet's life. The inclusion of "O!" adds an emotional intensity, implying a sense of longing, regret, or realization.

About the Poet:

W.H. Davies was a Welsh poet and writer known for his simple yet poignant poetry that often reflected on nature, the human condition, and societal issues. Born in 1871, Davies led a varied and often tumultuous life, experiencing homelessness and traveling extensively before gaining recognition for his literary works. His poems often explore themes of poverty, friendship, and the simplicity of life.

Theme/Summary gist of the Poem:

The poem "Money, O!" explores the poet's reflections on the impact of wealth and poverty on human relationships and happiness. The poet recounts his experience of having money and the false friendships it attracted, contrasting it with the authenticity of relationships formed during times of poverty.

The main themes of ‘"Money" surround the idea that money is not as important as the people that you have in your life. The poem argues that while people endlessly seek out money, it cannot buy what is most important in life: genuine companionship. "Money" argues that a poor man can find more fulfillment in his life than a rich man.

Poetic Style/Language/Poetic Devices:

The poem employs simple language and a straightforward style, characteristic of Davies' works. The use of repetition, particularly the refrain "Money, O!", emphasizes the central theme of the poem and adds a musical quality to the verse.

"Money" is divided into 5 stanzas, with each stanza being 4 lines long. The poem follows an interesting rhyming scheme that varies slightly by stanza. The first, second, fourth, and fifth stanzas follow an ABCB rhyme scheme, while the third line follows an ABAB rhyme scheme. The poem is therefore a “Quatrain” poem.

The imagery in the poem, such as the comparison of a child holding a trumpet to the poet's inability to express himself due to societal constraints, vividly portrays the poet's feelings of restraint and frustration. Additionally, the comparison of the buzzing of bees to the diligent work of poor individuals creates a vivid contrast between the simplicity of their lives and the superficiality of wealth.

Message/Moral in the Poem:

The poem "Money" conveys a moral about the true nature of happiness and friendship. It suggests that material wealth often leads to shallow relationships and false friendships, while genuine connections are forged through shared experiences and mutual support, especially during times of hardship. The poem encourages readers to reevaluate their priorities and recognize the value of authenticity and sincerity in relationships over material wealth. It serves as a reminder that true happiness and fulfillment come from genuine human connections rather than monetary possessions


The analysis was generated by an AI language model developed by OpenAI and from the source


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