Poetic Appreciation of the Poem 'Sower'

  • Poetic Appreciation of the Poem 'Sower'
  • Title:

The poem is a mirror of the hard work and dedication of a farmer who is a sower of seeds in the farm. He is the person who cultivates the land with great hope even though there is no guarantee of the crops production. Hence the title of the poem is representing the central theme and appropriate.

  • Poet:

The poem is originally written by Victor Hugo, a renowned French writer, poet, and novelist. He is considered the most celebrated poet of France who writes with some social significance.  The poem has been translated into English by Bengali Poetess Tarulata Datt. She is considered the first poetess to write verses in English and French in India.

  • Theme:

The central theme of the poem "Sower" is human life and its existence. This is symbolically represented through the act of sowing by the sower. The act symbolizes hope, faith and perseverance. Human life is full of hopes and disappointments, happiness and sorrow. The poem revolves around this theme by highlighting the tireless working of the sower for a happy future even after the unpredictable nature of farming. 

  • Language, Poetic Devices and Style:


The poem was written initially in French language and later translated into English. Hence, the English version is a little bit obscure and sentence structure uneven. That May be due to the difficulty to capture the spirit of the poem from the original language. The poem is written in first person narrative maintaining the rhyming scheme of ‘abab.’

The poet has employed various poetic devices in his poem "Sower" to create a vivid and evocative imagery and enhance the emotional impact of the poem. 

Imagery: Image of the sower scattering seeds in the fields, the shadow of the sower, the furrows deep, etc.

Metaphor: The sower serves as a metaphor for hope, faith, endurance, and the creative act of the artist. 

Personification: Human-like qualities are given to the earth, seasons, and the seeds themselves. Symbolism: The act of sowing seeds is a powerful symbol in the poem, representing the cycles of life, the renewal of hope, and the enduring human spirit. 

Alliteration: Shadows shoot across the lands’, ‘Darkness deepens.’ 

Enjambment: The continuation of a sentence or phrase from one line to the next without a pause, to create a flowing and connected feel in the poem is called Enjambment. This technique has added a  sense of movement and life in the poem.

  • Message/Values in the Poem:

The act of sowing seeds by the sower symbolizes hope and faith in the future. It reminds us that we must have faith in our actions and endeavors, trusting that they will yield positive outcomes in due time.  The sower's laborious task in the fields, regardless of the challenges and hardships, serves as a reminder of the value of perseverance and endurance. The poem also highlights the cyclical nature of life, with the changing seasons representing the continuous renewal and regeneration of existence.


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