Poetic Appreciation of the Poem "Inchcape Rock" class 12 English


1.       Title and Poet:

The poem "Inchcape Rock," penned by Robert Southey. He was born in Bristol, England. He was a Poet Laureate of England from 1813 to 1843. Some of his short poems like ‘The Scholar’. ‘The Battle of Blenheim’, ‘Bishop Hatto’, ‘The Inchcape Rock’ etc. are very popular with the school children.

‘The Inchcape Rock’ is a ballad. It’s the story of the 14th century attempt by the Abbot of Aberbrothok to install a warning bell on Inchcape, a notorious sandstone reef about 11 miles (18km) off the east coast of Scotland. The poem is a thought-provoking masterpiece that delves deep into the intricacies of human actions and their inevitable consequences.

2.       Theme:

At its core, "Inchcape Rock" weaves a tale around the themes of karma and retribution (revenge). The poem serves as a poignant (touching) reminder that every action has a ripple effect (as breeze causes waves), and the choices we make ultimately shape our destiny. It brilliantly captures the adage (saying) “As you sow, so shall you reap," symbolizing the idea that evil deeds may seem successful momentarily, but in the end, they lead to downfall.


3.       Style, Poetic Devices and Language:

The Poem is a ballad written in a narrative and rhymed couplets having the rhyming scheme of  ‘aabb’. The poet adroitly (skillfully) employs a range of poetic devices. They are as follow:

Personification: In stanza two waves are referred as ‘They’.

The sun is described as ‘gay’ (stanza six)

Repetition: ‘No stir’ and ‘So little’

Alliteration – Surge’s swell, then they (stanza four)

Anaphora – And then….

                    And blest …. (Stanza four)

Imagery: ‘bright, shining sun’, ‘steady ship’, ‘green ocean’, etc.

 The poet has interwoven imagery, symbolism, personification and many more poetic devices to convey the theme.  

The language of the poem is both simple and powerful, evoking a sense of empathy and reflection in the reader's mind.


4.       Opinion:

The human morality is timeless as is a rock. "Inchcape Rock" stands as a testament to the timelessness of human morality.  The work of Abbot of Aberbrothok is highest form of morality. It stays forever. Whereas the happiness sought by the Ralph the Rover is momentary. He pays for his bad actions. Even though the narrative is very long but it is very captivating and engages readers from start to the end. The poem is finest embodiment of poetic justice which is part and parcel of a drama.  "Inchcape Rock" serves as a reminder that our choices are not isolated events but threads in the net of existence. Use of rhyme couplets, poetic devices, archaic words and simple language make this poem a great work of literature. The teaches us that we should always think of the consequences of our actions before going for it.  

Email Writing Format /Email Writing for Class XI and XII/Email Writing State Board / CBSE

Email Writing for Class XI and XII/Email Writing State Board / CBSE

Email writing has become  a part and parcel of almost all secondary and senior secondary classes in all boards of India. This blog will help you to understand a common format for writing formal nd informal emails in an easy way with examples.

Format: Formal Email Writing 

Example for Formal Email Writing

Write an email to the principal for two days leave as you’re going to meet your grandfather who is ill.


To: principal@gmail.com

CC: -classteacher@gmail.com

BCC: -

Subject: Request for Two Days Leave


Dear Sir,

With reference to above subject, I would like to make a request for a two-day leave from school. The reason for my absence is that my beloved grandfather is currently unwell, and I need to visit him to provide support and care during this challenging time.

My grandfather's health condition has taken a turn, and the doctors have advised immediate family presence. As a result, I feel it is my responsibility and duty to be with him and my family during this critical period. I have already informed my teachers about my approaching absence and have requested them for any study material or assignments that I can work on during my absence.

I kindly request your approval and understanding regarding this matter. I assure you that I will make every effort to minimize any disruption and to return to school at the earliest.

Thank you.


Yours sincerely,



Roll No: 8, Class X-B

Format: Informal Email Writing 

 Example for Informal Email Writing

Write an email expressing appreciation for your brothers achievements in board exam.


To: rmesh00@gmail.com

CC: -

BCC: -

Subject: Congratulations Board Exam Achievements!

Dear Ramesh,

I hope this email finds you in the best of health and spirits. I am writing to express my heartfelt congratulations and deep appreciation for your outstanding achievements in the board exams. I was glad to see your name on the merit list. All your hard work was definitely not in vain. 

Your dedication, hard work, and perseverance have truly paid off, and it is evident that you have put your heart and soul into preparing for these exams. Scoring so brilliantly is a testament to your intelligence, discipline, and commitment to excellence. You have set a shining example for all of us, and I am genuinely inspired by your achievements.

Once again, congratulations on this incredible milestone, and please do take some time to celebrate your well-deserved success. You've earned every bit of it! If there's anything I can do to assist you with your future endeavors, don't hesitate to reach out.


With immense pride and love,

